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Image by Jonny Gios

Hall of fame

Here are some of my achievements in my machine learning & data science career.

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Top Rated Upwork

Awarded Top Rated Seller badge on Upwork for outstanding work in machine learning, data science, and computer vision. As one of the top 10% of freelancers on the platform, I have consistently delivered exceptional quality work to my clients, earning all 5-star ratings on over 150 successful projects. 


Top 7% Stackoverflow

Top 7% this year with almost half a Million views on stackoverflow for writing quality answers for the past 6 years in python, pytorch, data science and machine learning.

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Microsoft certified DataScientist

I'm a Microsoft Azure Certified Data Scientist now, I scored 811/1000 in the test, and utilize my knowledge of azure machine learning studio and data bricks everyday as part of my job.

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